
Haziran, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

My online course certificate


Tpack and samr

Hello everybody today I'll be talking about Tpack model ( Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge). Tpack is a model that enables instructors to consider where their qualities and shortcomings lie in their insight into content,pedagogy and how these territories cooperate for creative educating and learning. TK= A teacher's technological knowledge PK= A teacher's pedagogical knowledge CK= A teacher's knowledge of a lesson's content SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) Model. This model has 4 segments, they can be summarized by this image.

My podcast

Hello, readers today I wanted to do a podcast about what to do every day to improve  language learning, in my case English however, this recommendations that I've given can be applied to every language you may wish to learn, so without further ado, here's my podcast! https://soundcloud.com/mert-al-firat/my-podcast-for-blog

My vidcast

Hello everyone! Here's a vidcast of me speaking about my English language learning process, the lessons that I learned while I was in the process.