
Mayıs, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Virtual Reality

Hello everyone today I'll be taking a look at Virtual Reality, what it is and how it can be used in some areas. Virtual reality as described in wikipedia is " Virtual reality  ( VR ) is a  simulated  experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world.  Applications of virtual reality  can include entertainment (i.e.  video games ) and educational purposes (i.e. medical or military training). So basically, it can make you go to a different world with different rules, in which you can fly, chat with others and many more. It's currently primarily  being used in gaming, the most recent Haly Life: Alyx is the prime example of how great of a world can be seen in a Virtual Reality world, however  you have to have a virtual reality goggle first and the goggle recommended is quite expensive so at the moment it is not accesible by many people.  In entertainment, there are many videos that you can see using a virtual reality device like roller coaste

Augmented Reality

Hello guys, today I'll be reviewing an Augmented Reality app, Arize. Firstly, let's start with the definition of augmented reality  as described in wikipedia is "  an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory  modalities ". Arize is a free app that you can use these features of Augmented Reality. It has many photos, gifs and videos and it has many interesting things in it for example you can literally summon inside of your photos. For example if you wanted to see  a car in your room, you can do that and many more. Here are some photos I took using the app 

Second Life

Hello there everybody! Today I'll be reviewing Second Life. It's a virtual world where you can roam, fly freely. You can create your avatars which are fully customizable and go to some worlds that are built by other people and enjoy the view. You can also go meet and chat with other users like you. Here's a selfie of my avatar flying in the air:

Blogs that I recommend you follow

Hello everyone, some of these are my friends' blogs and we share similar topics, if you are interested in my blogs, I can recommend you do read! https://justlikeprometheus.blogspot.com https://creativeenglishwithme.blogspot.com https://englishwithemir.blogspot.com https://techenglishhh.blogspot.com https://devotedtolearnandteach.blogspot.com


Hello everyone! Today I'll be reviewing a website where can you create mind maps, charts, boards that's in cloud and can be shared/ collaboratively created with your colleagues, classmates and many more! It is Mindmeister. You can change edit the mind map of yours to your liking, the colour, the connections background photos and many more things are customizable. It is an accesible and simple tool for classroom learning activities with many templates to choose from.


Hello everybody, I'll be reviewing Sutori today. Sutori is a presentation designing program that you can use in your classroom, assignment, work presentations and many more. The thing that makes Sutori standout is definitely it's simple and understandable user interface and design.  It has many templates for you to create, seperated in 3 different tabs.


Hey everyone, today I'll be reviewing Quizlet, a test studying app. Using it you can create or use premade tests about the subject of your choosing.It shares many similarities with the app Kahoot as in both of them you can create tests and check out tests of others. In addition to these features, inn Quizlet,  you can create flashcards for language learning, to exemplify you can write on one side of these flashcards a word you want to learn in foreign language, and on the other side can be the meaning of the word in your native language.


Hello my dear readers, today I'll be reviewing Storybird.  Storybird is a platform where you can create , share and read books. These books  can have pictures as well. It's a great tool for improving writing skills especially for students as there are some writing improvement lessons that you can take a look at also there are many premade books for you to check out.


Hey everybody! Today I'll be talking about Gistory, Gistory is an app where you can create a book-like app where you create chunks and connect them together like a slideshow for educational purposes. You first press add a gistory. Then you give your gistory a title, a description and a cover photo and start chunking. I've done a gistory about the 7 Wonders of the World

Duolingo Review

Hello everyone, today I'll be reviewing the most known language learning app/website Duolingo. Duolingo is an app/website that is accessible by everyone, fun way to learn a language. When you enter Duolingo, you first choose a language, I've chosen German but there are more than 90 languages you can choose in . It has many different activites such as translating, imitating, filling the blanks and many more to make learning a language as diverse as possible. If you are new to the language you want to learn, you can start from the basics. If not there is a placement test that tells you the level you are approximately at.  The activities start by teaching you essential vocabulary and simple pronounciation and they gradually get harder.